#17 best ways to increase SHOPIFY CONVERSION RATES

Posted by Pham Huong on

1. Product page

This page is an important place because customers will decide to buy your product or not. So what content and image you show is considered carefully, every word or image has to answer the reason the customer should get it immediately. 

Content: - The strong point of your product which is combine to your customer requirements 

Image: High quality, clear, focus on impressive point of your product




2. Improve your page speed

Your page loading time is key for good user experience and by far the most important factor when it comes to Conversion Rate Optimization. There are many tools to check your page speed, for example: Google Lighthouse

web speed

It already gives you a recommendation about the parts, which need to be improved. I would suggest outsourcing this task.

3. Reduce your images

The size of your images is the most important factor when it comes to page speed optimization. There are a couple of plugins to help you with that.

Reduce your image

4. Do a proper QA
Check your site on all devices, screen sizes and browser engines.

5. Send your existing Customers an Email once in a while
They say it is 9 times cheaper to sell something to an existing customer than acquiring a new one. Because they know you and are willing to pay for the things you have to offer. So whenever you add a new product or run a promotion you can simply reach out to them via email.

Send mail to existing customer

6. Enable Premium Payment methods
People love Amazon Pay and PayPal Express because they don’t have to type in their payment data.

7. Send web push notifications via Pushowl
This app allows you to retarget people when they opt-in for your notifications.

8. Rework your value proposition
Before going into detail here. Please go ahead and read this article: How to design a unique value proposition in under 15min?

9. Optimize your recommendations
You can find plugins to optimize your upselling game on Shopify. I can tell you that upsells tend to work much better than cross-sells because the customer is already committed to purchasing your product

10. Kill your sliders
Don’t use slider images on your front page; they are bad for conversions. Just believe me on this one.

11. 5 second rule
This is my favourite test – get a fresh pair of eyes to look at your site, turn off the screen after 5 seconds and ask them what your site was about. If they cannot answer it -> rework your site!

12. Educate yourself
I recently took this online course about Ecommerce growth and boy did I learnt a lot about growth strategies which actually work and how to redesign your customer journey.

13. Setup Google Analytics
You need good data to make informed decisions. You should focus on your page value, this tells you how much each page or post on your page is worth to you. Do the 80/20 rule, focus on pages that convert.

14. Get started with AB Testing
Once you set up Google Analytics you can use their Optimization Suite: Google Optimize to run your first AB Testing Experiments.

15. Become a better copywriter
Most newbies forget that the product copy is important. In an Instagram, everyone thinks pictures are key and they are, but before someone buys a product he wants to know who he is buying from, what are the order conditions and what are the product DETAILS.

16. Use the Art of Persuasion
Your images and your ad copy should be persuasive.

17. Watch your visitor

Use Hotjar. It’s the best tool, you can simply set up a tracking and watch you, customer, how he behaves on your site. You can also do Heat maps which show you where people click and how deep down they scroll on your page.

The setup is free and it gives you 100 recordings for free. Plus some Heatmaps. You can also do a poll or survey with Hotjar, see my next point.

I hope these tips help you to get started.


Bss Commerce Shopify